Our philosophy is deeply rooted in a set of four dynamic core values that guide our approach to doing business.  

We strive to provide value-driven project solutions
Working effectively with others to execute high-quality solar projects is our primary goal. We take an entrepreneurial and collaborative approach to project development and problem solving because, as experienced entrepreneurs and technologists, we have learned to make the necessary choices to deliver the highest quality and value.

We are patiently focused on delivering quality projects efficiently.
At Enera Power Group, we believe that our best work is done patiently and efficiently with intense focus on timely project completion. We have the knowledge and expertise necessary to take a broad view of the sustainable solar project lifecycle. Our dedication to quality is grounded by taking the necessary time to fine-tune the technologies and financial models, thus delivering quality projects with lower investment costs, and the recognition that success in large scale markets results in opportunities to create substantial projects at great value to rate payers.

We work as a multidisciplinary team with a holistic view supported by a breadth of experience.
Our management team is comprised of experienced experts in engineering, transmission/interconnection, marketing, finance and operations, is individually and collectively focused on executing the necessary strategic imperatives that drive growth through successful project execution and delivery.

We are committed to demonstrating honesty and transparency in all of our business activities.
Honesty and transparency are at the core of all of our business activities. We place the highest value on the relationships we have with our landowners, vendors, investors and utility partners, believing that our success depends on true, hands-on partnerships defined by mutual respect, committed support and integrity.